Book Review: City of Ashes

Two books in this awesome series and I am totally hooked! City of Ashes just brought this story to a level higher with action-packed plot and heart-stopping twists. 

The book 2 of The Mortal Instruments (TMI) series talked about how Clary and Jace tried to stop their father from summoning demons to fight the Clave, which is the governing body of the Shadowhunters (Nephilims). Downworlders were more involved in City of Ashes and I learned more about them, who they were, and what they were fighting for in this series. I was glad that the children of the night and the moon were given some sort of spotlight and the faeries, too. The world building was great and I could totally picture in my mind the hidden world created by Cassandra Clare.

In my opinion, there was not a single chapter in the book that appeared to be boring or slow paced. Every scene or encounter was necessary to develop each character and I love how the importance of family was embedded in the first two books. 

If one would ask me who is my favorite character so far in the series, beyond doubt, it is Luke. He was just so perfect. He was Clary’s steady rock and father figure who saved her so many times when she faced Valentine. Luke’s character was so nicely done that I enjoy reading more about him than Jace, who happens to be the protagonist in the series. However, we will see if my opinion about these characters would change as I go through the series. 

I have the third book on my bedside table now and I could not wait to delve into the world of the Shadowhunters once again.


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