Book Review: I Hope This Doesn’t Find You

Let’s dive into the wonderful world of Asian representation with Ann Liang’s delightful novel, “I Hope This Doesn’t Find You,” where academic rivals Sadie Wen and Julius Gong take center stage in a tale of love, competition, and self-discovery.

From the get-go, I was thrilled to see characters with Asian backgrounds taking the lead. It’s refreshing to see diverse representation not only in movies but also in the pages of novels. Sadie and Julius felt like old friends with their relatable thinking patterns and reactions to life’s twists and turns.

Ann Liang’s writing is a breath of fresh air—smooth, engaging, and oh-so-easy on the eyes. The way she crafts Sadie and Julius’ characters took me back to the days of devouring shoujo manga and anime like “Kare Kano” (aka “His and Her Circumstances”). Seriously, this book screams for an anime adaptation—I can already imagine the vibrant colors and dynamic storytelling!

But wait, wouldn’t it be a treat to get inside Julius’ head and see things from his perspective? While Sadie’s narrative is captivating, experiencing her through Julius’s eyes would add a whole new layer of depth and swoon-worthy moments.

Let’s talk character arcs—Sadie’s transformation from a people pleaser to someone embracing her true self is downright inspiring. It’s a reminder that authenticity attracts genuine connections, something we could all use a little more of in our lives.

“I Hope This Doesn’t Find You” may evoke memories of Jenny Han’s “To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before” series, but instead of love letters, we get a juicy glimpse into Sadie’s innermost thoughts and emotions through her emails. It’s a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs, with plenty of heartwarming moments along the way.

For readers seeking a wholesome read that blends the excitement of young love with the pressures of academic rivalry, look no further than “I Hope This Doesn’t Find You.” It’s a charming tale that reminds us to embrace our true selves and find our tribe along the way.

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